So How Did I do?
Hi all,
Hope you are well,
I have had a really low week mental-health wise. To the point I’m taking a bit of time away from work and I found the courage to speak to my Doctor too and we have come up with a plan for dealing with this. But I may discuss that with you another day.
So I set myself a list of challenges with the aim of doing at least 7 of these. So which did I do?
Completed a random act of kindness
Do a work out
Well, here is my blog update post!
I started making notes for my book
I’ve decided on a new challenge
I took a Skillshare class in a topic that interests me (tags and categories on Squarespace in case you’re wondering)
Did an online escape room
Spent an evening comping
So I did one more than I challenged myself and I did actually work on some of the others.
I started trying to do push ups
I posted once to Instagram
I’m 30 pages off finishing the 10th book for the Tis the Damn Readathon
So I think I did pretty good. Perhaps given how I feel I was a bit ambitious with my targets and maybe won’t set myself as many next week but I’m pleased with myself. Small steps :-)