Planning Ahead
So I’m now back to almost normal working hours and that’s had quite a knock on effect on the rest of my life. I’m struggling to get my 10,000 a day steps or workouts in. I’ve not completed the online courses I had hoped to or gone through my to-do list even for lock-down.
I have started my Masters and have just submitted my first assignment. I was a bit concerned at the beginning - all of a sudden needing to schedule in another 16 hours of study in to my weeks but I’ve been able to. I get up earlier and do 1 1/2 hours each morning before I start work and then do some more at evenings and weekends.
This made me wonder what else I could fit into my week that I want to do. So I’m just about to sit down this afternoon and plan next week out to see what else I can do :-) Let’s get back to working on my impossible list, my reading lists and being the best version of me that I can !