The Number Generator vs My TBR
Hi All,
I went through my TBR again today and there’s like 70-odd books on it! Some of these have been on my TBR for literally years! Why do I find myself purchasing more books rather than reading from my TBR?!
It’s the usual reasons I think - worry the book won’t live up to the hype or it’s a long one. But I bought them because at one point I wanted to read them so let’s do this.
So enough is enough, I bit the bullet and decided to list my TBR against a list of numbers and use a number generator. I let that choose 5 books for me to try and get through in February. If I end up reading more - awesome.
So my 5 for February are -
Life’s A Pitch by Stephen Bayley and Roger Mavity
The Silence of the Lambs by Thomas Harris
Tabloid Love by Bridget Harrison
Brooklyn by Colm Toibin
David Copperfield by Charles Dickens
Quite a mix which might make this easier. I have physical copies of the 1st 4 and then David Copperfield on my kindle.
Let’s do this! This year I am bringing that TBR down. If it was about 20 I think I’d be happy enough but over 70? Nooooo!!!
But I am going to make this interesting:
I am allowed to buy books but I have to have read at least 3 out of the 5 TBR selected books for the month before I am allowed to read one of those.
However disappointed I am with the random number generator’s selection - I cannot change any of the books! If I don’t want to read them then they have to go.
Any books that don’t get read can go back into the main TBR. If they are selected another 2 occasions during the year by the generator and they don’t get read - they have to go.
Wish me luck :-)